Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeiten

1996        Glomus Tumor of the foot and ankle: case report of a rare disease and

               rewiew of the Literature (Foot and Ankle Surgery 1998)

1996        Exercise-Induced Compartment Syndrome in the Flexor-Pronator Group.

1997        Dissertationabschluss an der Freien Universität Berlin (Thema: die       

               operative Behandlung des Sulcus-ulnaris-Syndroms)

1997        Schulteruntersuchung, Fortbildung für Hausärzte im BS Solothurn

2001        Posterpresentation am Unionkongress, Lausanne „Die Behandlung distaler  

               intraartikulärer Radiusfrakturen“

2008        Vortrag AO-Faculty, Davos 2007 „Rotationskorrektur am Unterschenkel    

               nach intramedullärer Frakturbehandlung“

2008        Instruktur AO Kurs

2009        Retrospective analysis of three  operatively long bone fractures of the  

               lower leg with delayed bone healing after LCP. SGO -Congress Genf, 24.-

               26.06.2009; Kohl S., Jakob R.P., Al- Momani Z

2019        Posterpresentation, Swiss Orthopedics Kongress, Baden “ From broken

               spine to broken heart: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy during conservative

               management of spine fractures. A. Kalogerapouos, Z. Al-Momani, C.Marti

2019        A. Kalogerapouos, Z. Al-Momani, C.Marti : Posterpresentation, Congress

               of the Hellenic Association of Orthopedic surgery & Traumatology;

               “Takotsubo Stress Cardiomyopathy in the Management of Spine


2019        A. Kalogerapouos, Z. Al-Momani, C.Marti : Posterpresentation, Congress

               of the Hellenic Association of Orthopedic surgery & Traumatology;

              “Iliopsoas Avulsion Fracture: Rare Case of Inguinal Pain after Epileptic
